Friday, March 4, 2011

Flashback Friday

Think Spring!
April 2003

Look at those cute rugrats! It's hard to believe that Matt is now only two years younger than Camille was in this picture. It seems like just the other day that we were spending that Spring Break day together in Salt Lake. We went to Temple Square, the top of the Church Office building (past all the new post-9/11 security) and the Gateway. Ahh, those were the days when all my kids were happy to spend the day with me just sight-seeing, and going to Salt Lake was a big, exciting excursion. :) It's often individual outings now -a Jazz game with Scott, lunch with Camille, Jr. High play with Matt, a trip to Mesquite with Kevin (and Matt). I'm just happy when we get the whole family together for a game of Farkle or a trip to the bowling alley. And even then the "whole family" doesn't usually include Camille. Thank goodness she's only 75 minutes away and we still see her fairly often. Life changes and I'll take all the family time I can get!

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