Friday, April 1, 2011

Soccer, Of Course

I haven't posted any soccer pictures for a while, because I get kind of tired of posting about the same old thing, but, face it, that's a big part of our life pretty much year round.  Right now we are in the transition from the indoor to outdoor season.  Only one more indoor game next week, then on to outdoor for Matt.  He has learned a lot this year.  He had become much more aggressive during the indoor season.

Kevin has been playing on the 7-8th grade Jr. High team for the last couple of months as well as practicing with his club team.  Luckily there are only two other Jr. Highs in our school district so that makes for a very short season. :)  4 games and a championship.  They had their championship game last night which they won -good job Rams! -just in time for the club season to begin on Saturday. 

Playing keeper for the first time since he was 10
Love these boys!

Scott is playing on Ogden High's team and I don't have any pictures yet because I haven't wanted to freeze my fingers off, but his season goes through May, so I'm sure I'll get plenty. His team is doing well in the preseason, when they haven't been snowed out.  Also, there has been some missionary work going on with a couple of the players.  They haven't had a game this week and Scott and two of his LDS teammates have been attending the missionary discussions with one of his good friends on the team who is preparing for baptism.  Another teammate who is interested has been attending, as well as a teammate who was baptized last year and needs a little boost.  More to come on this.

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