I wished Kevin a happy birthday on this blog a couple of weeks ago, but I never got around to posting pictures, so here they are. As you can see, he likes chocolate cake. I also learned that camera flashes don't work well when I'm wearing a baseball cap, as you can see in the second picture.

8 crazy 13 year olds. What a fun age. They were perfectly happy playing basketball, capture the flag, and kick the can all night. And eating LOTS of cake, ice cream, and pizza.

Kevin couldn't think of anything to ask for for his birthday. Seriously, we kept trying to figure out what he wanted, but I guess he has everything he wants, because he kept saying "I don't know." Talk about maddening. He wasn't thrilled about anything we suggested, so we just gave him a couple of small things, and got something for the whole family. This trampoline seems to be a hit. How long until we're in the ER?
I give you 3 months...