Sunday, March 6, 2011

Family Photos and Russian Dinner

Last night we gathered with Grandma and Grandpa and Niel and Amy's family for family photos. I snapped a few while the photographer was busy with other people, but I'm glad we hired a pro -I just didn't have the touch last night -not that I ever really do. These are a few of the okay ones, but I'm hoping for better things in our "real" pictures.

After the photo shoot we headed back to Mom and Dad's to celebrate my Dad's 68th birthday and have our much anticipated "Russian Dinner." Mom had worked long and hard preparing Russian specialties enjoyed on their mission. They were all labeled in Russian and English and enjoyed with varying degrees of enthusiasm. :) It was fun to sample the dishes we heard so much about during the two years they were away.


  1. I think your photos turned out great! I was admiring what a beautiful family you have while we were all together last night. Wish we could get together more often. We all had a great night together!
